In 1988, when Foundation College established the first foundation programme in Greece, Greek students needed GCE A-levels to enter UK universities. This changed when Foundation College established operational agreements with collaborating UK universities to ensure that its students had a guaranteed progression route onto bachelor degree programmes of those universities in the UK. Between 1988 and 1995 Foundation College reached agreements with fourteen UK universities that facilitated the progression of Greek student who successfully completed the foundation programme at Foundation College.
The collaborating universities were, in chronological order from earlier to later, Middlesex, Manchester Metropolitan, Lancaster, City, Sunderland, Salford, London Metropolitan, Liverpool, Newcastle, Greenwich, Portsmouth, Huddersfiled, Plymouth, Trinity St David. Increasingly more and more universities started to accept students that has completed our foundation courses and by the year 2000 almost all British universities (with the exception of a few top names) were routinely accepting students from Foundation College even though there were no signed progression agreements in place. We were pleased with this status because it gave our students more freedom and choice. Our students were no longer limited to collaborating universities only and this opened many new opportunities to our students as popular universities such as Loughborough, Sussex, Kent, Cardiff, Glasgow, Queen Mary and many more were readily accessible through our foundation courses.
This situation has been maintained ever since and has obviated the need to pursue signed progression agreements. In fact our agreements with universities were never annulled but they gradually became obsolete. These days our students complete a UCAS form with as much freedom of choice as they would have had if they were doing GCE A-levels at an English school. We are very proud of this as it provides strong evidence of the quality of our programme and its broad acceptability. You can view the placement lists of recent years to see where our students get accepted.
It is important that universities continue to place their trust in our courses and for this reason that we have maintained our strong relationship with Lancaster University, one of the best universities in the UK and a regular top-ten institution in UK university rankings. Through its Office of Associated Institutions, Lancaster University makes periodic inspection visits to Foundation College to ensure that high standards are being maintained.
We wish to clarify that acceptability does not mean unconditional acceptance and indeed most universities and courses require students to demonstrate a high academic performance in the foundation course to gain their admission. Furthermore there are universities and degree courses which are highly competitive and our foundation courses may be deemed insufficient for admission. However we would never mislead candidates about their prospects of admission through our foundation courses. In those cases where admission is doubtful we will recommend that candidates take GCE A-levels which are independently examined qualifications that are accepted by all institutions in the UK.