University of Aberdeen
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Anglia Polytechnic University
Aston University
University of Wales, Bangor
University of Bath
Bolton University
University of Birmingham
Bournemouth University
University of Bradford
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy
Brunel University
University of West England, Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Central England
City University
University of Central Lancashire
Coventry University
DeMonfort University
University of Derby
University of Dundee
Durham University
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of East London
University of Essex
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Glamorgan
Glasgow University
University of Greenwich
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Hull
Heriot-Watt University
King's College, Univ of London
University of Kent
Kent Institute of Art and Design
Kingston University
Lancaster University
Lampeter, University of Wales
Loughborough University
Leeds Metropolitan University
University of Leeds
University of Leicester
London University of Arts
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Liverpool
University of Lincoln
Luton University
University of Manchester
Middlesex University
UMIST (Manchester University)
Manchester Metropolitan University
Newcastle University
London Metropolitan University
University of Northumbria
Nottingham Trent University
University of Nottingham
Oxford Brookes University
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
Queen Mary, Univ of London
University of Reading
Robert Gordon University
Royal Holloway, Univ. of London
University of Salford
South Bank University
University of Sheffield
Sheffield Hallam University
School of Pharmacy, U O London
University of Southampton
University of South Wales
Staffordshire University
University of St Andrews
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of Sunderland
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
University of Wales, Swansea
University College, London
University of Teeside
Thames Valley University
University of Ulster
University of Westminster
University of Wolverhampton
University of York
Cardiff University Civil Engineering GC
Anglia Ruskin University Business Management KA
University of Sheffield Chemistry CA
Southampton Solent Maritime Business LB
University of Brighton Business Economics CB
Cardiff University Mechanical Engineering SB
University of Portsmouth Sport and Exercise Science VD
Newcastle University Media, Commun, Cultural Studies MF
Aberystwyth University Sport and Exercise Science EG
Newcastle University Chemistry EG
University of Brighton Mechanical Engineering KK
University of Northampton Nursing (Adult) ZK
Newcastle University Law EK
Newcastle University Marine Engineering GK
University of Sunderland Business and Management MK
The University of York Law KK
University of Sussex Biomedical Science AM
University of Roehampton Early Childhood Studies AM
University of Sussex Psychology DM
University of Greenwich Events Management MM
Newcastle University Marine Engineering IM
Swansea University Economics PM
Northumbria University Computer Games Development GDN
University of Sussex Business & Management Studies EN
University of Brighton Business VP
King's College London Anatomy, Devel and Hum Biology EP
Lancaster University Law AR
Southampton Solent University Maritime Business with Placement CS
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture & Marine Eng AT
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture & Marine Eng DT
University of Glasgow Mechanical Engineering AA
Sunderland Business and Management CA
University of Leeds Mechanical Engineering EB
University of Dundee Mechanical Engineering MC
The University of Kent Biochemistry SE
Loughborough University Mechanical Engineering MF
University of Glasgow Mechatronics PT
The University of Aberdeen Neuroscience with Psychology MZ
Loughborough University Mechanical Engineering AZH
University of Sunderland Mechanical Engineering CAN
University of Glasgow Film & Television Studies PA
The University of Kent Law LSB
Lancaster University Finance and Economics GE
Newcastle University Marine Technology with Marine Eng GM
University of Reading Psychology AM
University of Brighton Business with HR Management MV
University of Portsmouth Electronic Engineering AEN
Lancaster University Natural Sciences AN
Swansea University Business Management (Marketing) MP
University of Sussex Economics IP
The University of Manchester Architecture ER
Northumbria University Media Production ES
Newcastle University Marine Technology - Marine Engin DS
University of Westminster Psychology NS
Swansea University Zoology MSK
The University of Strathclyde Electronic & Electrical Engineering KT
Cardiff University Business Management (HR Mngnt) PT
The University of Sheffield Biology PV
Newcastle University Marine Technology - Marine Eng PV
The University of York Biology AZH
Southampton Solent University Football Studies TT
Northumbria University Psychology NB
The University of Essex Psychology ZP
Newcastle University Architecture and Urban Planning SK
University of Leicester Law GTA
The University of Essex Economics and Politics PD
University of Surrey Civil Engineering DD
University of Law Law GRK
University of Bath Economics and Mathematics IK
University of Surrey Business Management (HR Man) DK
University of Surrey Law SDM
The University of Birmingham Intnal Relations with Economics NN
De Montfort University Physics AP
University of Leeds Chemistry VP
University of Glasgow Software Engineering LR
The University of Aberdeen Biomedical Science (Anatomy) AS
University of Cambridge Mathematics GTA
Brunel University London Mechanical Engineering CTM
Newcastle University Biochemistry EV
Queen Mary University of London Psychology KZ
The University of Manchester Medicine SA
University of Southampton Mechanical Engineering TE
University of Cambridge Mathematics RK
University of Brighton Business Studies VK
Queen Mary, University of London Business Management IS
University of Northumbria Mechanical Engineering KP
Newcastle University Marine Technology with Marine Eng GP
University of Westminster Business Management (Int Bus) MS
Sunderland University Engineering (Mechanical) VP
Swansea University Law AO
University of East London Electrical & Electronic Engineering RK
Newcastle University Mechanical Engineering AA
University of Glasgow Computing Science AC
University of Brighton International Business AF
Newcastle University Mechanical Engineering ES
Manchester Metropolitan Univer Public Relations and Marketing MM
University of Surrey International Hospitality & Tourism AC
Lancaster University Computer Science AA
The University of Liverpool Psychology ZM
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture and Marine Eng AK
University of Glasgow Human Biology IP
Newcastle University Marine Technology with Naval Arch DM
University of Central Lancashire Nutrition & Exercise Sciences MP
Cardiff University Electrical & Electronic Engineering ND
University of Westminster Business Management MK
The University of Kent English & American Literature CK
The University of Essex Law VX
Newcastle University Marine Technology Marine Engin PB
Lancaster University Computer Science & Mathematics AP
Northumbria University Business Management CA
Brunel University Business and Management EC
Lancaster University Marketing with Psychology AL
University of Dundee Mechanical Engineering AG
Lancaster University Law KD
The University of Aberdeen Molecular Biology PP
University of Southampton Ship Science GM
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture and Marine Eng PK
Bangor University Zoology MM
The University of Essex Business Administration VK
Lancaster University English Literature AM
University of Leicester Film Studies and Visual Arts AP
Anglia Ruskin University Business Economics NM
University of Surrey Business Management AK
University of Sussex Law EK
University of Greenwich Mechanical Engineering Techn SK
Brunel University Economics SV
Lancaster University Psychology IT
University of the Arts London Animation DP
The University of Liverpool Aerospace Engineering AK
The University of Essex Film Studies IS
Cardiff University Biochemistry (Biomedical Route) AV
Imperial College London Mechanical Engineering MS
Lancaster University Business Studies PM
Lancaster University Business Studies ST
Lancaster University Computer Systems Engineering VR
Lancaster University Law ANA
Lancaster University Law DV
Lancaster University Mathematics NP
Lancaster University Psychology PS
Liverpool John Moores University Maritime Studies AP
Newcastle University Marine Engineering GK
Plymouth University Maritime Business and Logistics IK
Roehampton University Business Mngmnt and Digital Media TG
Manchester Metropolitan Univer Biomedical Science AK
The University of Aberdeen Primary ML
The University of Bradford Biomedical Science CK
The University of Bradford Pharmacy GK
The University of Kent Business Administration (Marketing) GC
The University of Liverpool Civil Engineering SK
The University of Manchester Molecular Biology with Industrial Expe AM
The University of Nottingham Neuroscience AK
The University of Stirling English Studies AT
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture and Marine Engi ME
The University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture Small Craft Engin GA
University of Bath Mechanical Engineering ACK
University of East Anglia Business Finance and Economics INP
University of Glasgow Computing Science CK
University of Glasgow Economics/Business & Management GP
University of Glasgow Genetics GLB
University of Glasgow Genetics AP
University of Glasgow Marine & Freshwater Biology GK
University of Leeds Mechanical Engineering AVM
University of Southampton Mechanical Engineering AC
University of Surrey Psychology (4 years) IK
University of Sussex Computer Science Artificial Intelligence ED
University of Sussex Physics PPV
University of Westminster Marketing Communications SC
"ο καθηγητής είχε την ικανότητα και τον ενθουσιασμό να μας μεταφέρει την απαραίτητη γνώση και να μας εξηγήσει αυτά που δεν καταλαβαίναμε αμέσως. Το σύστημα του Κολλεγίου βοηθά στην απόκτηση αυτοπειθαρχίας, ή οποία όπως και διαπίστωσα είναι απαραίτητη στο πανεπιστήμιο."
Μάνος Μπέρσος,
Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds
Κηφισιά - Δ. Κυριακού 16,
Κηφισιά 14562
Τηλ: 210 8081050
Τηλ: 210 5243600
Τηλ: 210 8081050